– The user visits the website, and, selects the document they wish to register.
– They click an “Upload” button to upload the document to a decentralized storage solution, like IPFS/Pinata.
– The system generates a unique hash (using SHA-256 or keccak256), of the uploaded document.
– The user can enter optional metadata, such as the book title, author, and date, to assist with future reference, and, retrieval.
– The user connects their crypto wallet (e.g., MetaMask), to the website by clicking a “Connect Wallet” button.
– The system prepares a Polygon Blockchain transaction, that, includes the document hash, and, metadata.
– A signature request appears in the wallet, prompting the user to review, and, sign the transaction. Signing ensures, that, only the owner authorizes the registration on the Polygon Blockchain.
– Once signed, the transaction is broadcast to the Polygon Blockchain network.
– The signed transaction is mined, registering the document, hash, and, metadata, as a timestamped entry on the Polygon Blockchain.
– This entry acts as a Proof of Existence (POE), for the document, allowing verification of its originality without revealing the document content.
– After registration, the user sees a confirmation message with the timestamp, transaction ID, and, a link to view the transaction on the Polygon Blockchain explorer.
– They can download a Digital Certificate, or, receipt, including the document hash, and, Polygon Blockchain details, for future reference.
– If needed, the user, or, third party can verify the document, by re-uploading it on the website.
– The system generates a new hash from the re-uploaded document, and, checks it, against the stored hash on the Polygon Blockchain.
– A successful match confirms the document’s authenticity, and, timestamp.